LegisTech for Democracy : Online Event

Buěssola Tech promotes one of the largest conferences with the exchange of digital experiences between more than 30 Parliaments from all over the world.

Paulo Dalla Nora Macedo will participate in the "LegisTech for Democracy - 2nd Edition", the online conference that Buěssola Tech's promotes, on the democracy week, to discuss digital transformation in the legislative Houses. The event will count with more than 30 parliaments. The event also counts with the participation of different LegisTech organisations from different countries.

Institutional modernization and digital transformation is a process that was accelerated by the pandemic and has as one of its definitions the integration of digital technologies by organizations and their impact on society.

The power and possibilities of the digital platforms, the Internet of Things, cloud computing and artificial intelligence were shown to even more help Parliament's continuity, and complimentary, these institutions are showing their leadership and innovation by bringing these tools as allies to improve their activities. Subnational parliaments and legislatures around the world have proven the concept that the legislature can redesign its internal process to ensure institutional continuity and improve the effectiveness of the legislative process. Parliaments around the world are aware of this process and the new digital economy. Several Legislative Houses have adopted their digital transformation strategies and it is possible to observe different cases where these strategies positively impacted not only the House itself, but the legislative activity and its deliveries to society as a whole, which impacted parliament's transparency, the society, competitiveness of countries and economies globally.

Observing this movement, between September 13th and 15th, Buěssola Tech will hold the second edition of its traditional conference called "LegisTech for Democracy", in virtual format, that reunites experts of more than 30 Parliaments and organisations to talk about the digital transformation in the legislative agenda, known as "LegisTech", a designation created by the organisation in 2018. LegisTech for Democracy is an initiative of Buěssola Tech that seeks to strengthen a global community for the digital transformation of the Legislative Power.

This 30-hours international event is divided into 3 days and is destined for the legislative community, which comprises civil servants, MPs and their staff, private entrepreneurs in the LegisTech area, and also academy researchers interested in the theme.
Paulo Dalla Nora Macedo will represent Poliětica Viva amongst the parliaments that will participate through case presentations and debates that will explain to the public the benefits, challenges and adaptations made in the field of digital transformation in the legislative.

Between topics discussed, the audience can expect to follow debates in fields and themes like: Artificial intelligence applied to the legislative process, user experience, parliamentary diplomacy, remote deliberation, opendata, participation in the legislative committees, rule as code, data-driven drafting and so on.

LegisTech for Democracy has an unprecedented character. A significant number of national parliaments will gather together to share their cases of digital transformation. All together contribute to the improvement of democracy”, comments the CEO of Buěssola Tech, Luis Kimaid.

For those not yet familiar with the organization, Buěssola Tech is a global organization that works in the institutional modernization and digital transformation of national and subnational legislative houses in more than 30 countries. They work with civil servants from parliaments, as well as MPs and parliamentary staff. Their objective is to promote collaboration and cooperation for legislative modernization and digital transformation. For this, they promote the constant construction of technical knowledge on digital transformation applied to legislative activities.

According to Buěssola Tech, the promotion of a digital event on the International Week of Democracy aims to recognize the work of different Houses and share their experiences during this period of transformation in their legislative process.

The event is open to the public and interested audience can subscribe now to guarantee one of the limited seats, receive the news and instructions to access the event.


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